Faith Over Fear by: Jessica

“For we live by believing and not by seeing.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

It was like these words had new meaning. I quickly typed out the note on my phone as I watched Pastor Rick teach.  I couldn’t help but think about how many new and often alarming things I had seen in the last few weeks.

I had seen chaos.

I had seen panic and hysteria.

I had seen worst case scenarios predicted and frightening headlines.

I had seen greed and fear.

I had seen long lines, limitations, empty shelves, and “out of stock” signs.

I had seen cancellations.

I had seen the stock market crashing.

I had seen numbers rising and the virus spreading.

I had seen instability and lack of control.

Too many days and nights I have found myself living by what I’ve seen – living in fear, in anxiety, and in doubt. You, too?

Friends, this is not how we have been called to live. The Holy Spirit reminded me that our present circumstances should not determine how we live.  Instead, we are called to live according to what we believe and know to be true about who God is and what He says about who we are in Him…even in the midst of our circumstances.

So, who is this God, what does He say, and what should we believe?

I have not given you a spirit of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)

I will never leave you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

In Me, you will have peace. (John 16:33)

I am a refuge in times of trouble. (Nahum 1:7)

I will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

Sisters, these feelings are natural – we are living in unknown days and being asked to do things we have never done before (and there is grace upon grace as we figure it out).  But when those doubts and fears arise and begin to determine the course of our days, let’s hold on to what we believe and steer our hearts to live, not by what we see, but what we believe about the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Personal Challenge: Choose one verse to memorize this week.  Write it on your mirror, save it as your lock screen, or stick it to your fridge. Remind yourself what you believe regardless of what you see.

Trading Darkness for Light by: Radonna Dodge

Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.  If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is a light to you.”  —Psalm 139: 7-12

In these days, have you found yourself busy with things you are not normally busy with?

Maybe some tasks seem easier and yet others seem more difficult. Some things we may be finding that we really enjoy, while others are things we’d rather not face!

These verses remind us that no matter where find ourselves, the Spirit of God is right there with us.  Verse 11 reads with such desperation!  “Surely the darkness will hide me and light become night around me,”  Maybe you can identify.  Maybe you are facing huge questions right now and they are looming over you like a huge black cloud.


Whatever “darkness” you may be facing, these verses remind us that we won’t be hidden from God.  His Spirit can turn on the light in the midst of any darkness.

Lean in to Jesus.  Give yourself some grace.  Discipline yourself to practice gratitude.  And I think we will see a sliver of light begin to flood our soul with radiant brightness.

Personal Reflection:

1. What darkness are you currently facing?  Take 5 minutes to surrender that to Jesus right now (and as many times as necessary today!)

2. Even though you may have some fear or unanswered questions, how can you practice gratitude today?  Maybe begin by making a gratitude list.  Add 2 things every day that you are grateful for.

Title by: Lilly Rodriguez

“The One who watches over you will not slumber” Psalm 121:3

Psalm 121 has been a chapter resonating in my heart and it’s been my prayer these days. A calm reminder that “The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade…” Regardless of what is going on all around us, He will keep us from harm and watch over us. What a beautiful promise!

Psalm 121:6-8

“The sun will not harm you by day,

    nor the moon at night.

The Lord keeps you from all harm

    and watches over your life. 

The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,

    both now and forever.”

This season in my life caught me a little off guard. My daily routine all changed, the things I knew for sure were not there anymore, and it challenged me and my faith. But I love that I have a faithful Savior that sees and knows and He holds my tomorrow. In this season where we have been forced to stop the noise, and the business of everyday life…He’s calling us deeper…can you hear Him? It’s a wonderful season to draw near to Jesus and seek Him. We have no need to worry about the time, or the next thing we need to do, but we can sit at His feet and just be in His presence, hearing from Him.

I don’t want to miss out on what He is doing now, because it is preparing me for what is to come! I really believe there will be an outpouring of His Spirit and many will be saved, healed, delivered, restored!

A song I have had on repeat in this season is, “This Is A Move.”  It has Ignited my faith!

The lyric says:

“The mountains are still being moved, and strongholds are still being loosed, and God we believe, yes we can see that wonders are STILL what you do! Bodies are still being raised, giants are still being slayed, God we believe, and yes we can see it….”

This prophetic song has opened my eyes to this: We have a BIG God that is the same yesterday, today and forever and there is nothing too hard for him; He remains the same! God is getting ready to do something powerful and He wants us to be a part. I love the challenge our Lead Pastor, Rick Gannon has given us, a call to prayer-“UNITED714.” 2 Chronicles 7:14. Prayer does work when we join together! I believe God will look toward us and begin to shift things in the atmosphere and begin moving in a mighty way!

So in “the waiting” of this season let’s lean in and seek Him like never before. Don’t get distracted by the things we cannot control, instead look to the one from whom our help comes from and know that He is God. He is in control and we can trust Him!

I have shared the link to the song… take time to listen, it is so encouraging and timely. Love you beautiful ladies, and I cannot wait until we are all together again worshipping Jesus!

“This is A Move” song link –

You Are Known by: Radonna Dodge

In a season of limited interaction with people and modified schedules, it’s easy to focus on what we lack:  the social gatherings, our favorite restaurants, the activities we call “normal”.

But although certain things in our life have grown quiet for this season, I am reminded that one thing as not changed – and that’s our God.  He has not grown quiet and He has not distanced Himself.

The Word of God is full of passages that reminded us of this truth.  But one in particular stands out – and it’s a favorite for so many of us – Psalm 139.

Today let’s look at verses 1-6.

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.  You know me when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  You discern my going out and me lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.  You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.

If I had to sum up these first 6 verses, I think it would be:  You are known!  In a season of social distancing, a time when others can’t see your face or look you in the eye to perceive how you are doing, know this, the Spirit of God has searched you and knows you completely.  Nothing you do goes unnoticed and He completely understands your thoughts before you can form them into words.  This knowing is more than simply the tasks that you do, but it’s an intimate and complete understanding of our hopes, dreams, and fears – the wholeness of our life.

These verses conclude with this beautiful word picture:  “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.”  This speaks to me of both protection and completion.

When I was in 7th grade Home Economics class during the sewing semester, one of my projects was a simple skirt.  Things went well until it was time to hem the bottom.  Truthfully, the circumference of that skirt was only a few inches, but it took me 3 days to finish.  My teacher was beginning to think that she was going to have to help me if the project was ever going to be completed!

Quite honestly, sometimes we look at our life and think, “Does any of this really matter?”  “Does it make a difference to anyone?”  “Will I ever get past this?”  “Will this ever be finished!”

Sweet lady, know this, our God sees you today and knows you fully.  He has surrounded you with Himself.  He is busy perfecting you and will continue that work until it’s complete.  You are His masterpiece; one that bears the very fingerprints of God.  So hang in there.  The best is yet to come!

Personal Reflection:

Where do you see God at work in your life in this current season?