Have you ever forgotten something? Maybe you forgot an event on the calendar, a present for a party, or even things as simple as your keys and phone. If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ve had days where you feel like if something isn’t currently in sight, it’s completely out of mind.
Life gets busy. Many times we find ourselves trying our hardest to hold it all together. With our minds fully occupied on the next task, it can be easy to let things slip. Too many times I’ve walked into a room, fully intending on doing something, and forgotten why I was there. For the most part, the simple act of forgetting isn’t necessarily dangerous, but what if I told you that spiritual forgetfulness could be the most dangerous thing of all?
Growing up, I had the opportunity to attend a private Christian school for most of my education. We studied all of the normal subjects like Math and Science, but a big and intertwining subject was Bible class. Each month, we would focus on a different book of the Bible or a chapter. I always felt like I learned something new and for the most part, appreciated the closer look. However, never had a series of stories upset me so deeply than the adventures of the Israelites, (God’s chosen people), in the Old Testament. God showed up for them time after time. He did the miraculous: He healed, He parted waters, He provided food when they had none. He came through over and over again. Still, when the heat would get turned up and things around them would go haywire, it seemed that all God had done, big and small, had been forgotten in an instant. The Israelites would whine and complain, and sometimes even begin worshipping idols.
It frustrated me to no end. How could they do this? How could they turn away from God? The same God who loved them and cared for them and was always there. It didn’t make sense to me at all- that is, until I started to see a bit of them in myself. If you really think about it, perhaps you can say the same.
Much like the Israelites, we often find ourselves in situations where things aren’t going so great. In those moments it can be so easy to allow ourselves to have tunnel vision and focus only on the situation at hand. I find that in those seasons God whispers “I am with you. I have always been with you and will remain with you. Don’t forget the adventures we’ve been on together. Don’t forget my promises to you.”
God is and has always been faithful. Have you taken a moment recently to think about how good He has been? It’s been a really difficult year, filled with pain and loss on all fronts. But ladies, He is still good. In my life and yours, He has an immaculate track record of faithfulness. Let us not be a people who forget who He is and what He can do in the midst of trial. Instead, let us reflect on what He has already done for us and those around us with immense gratefulness.
We can look to the future with the confidence that only comes from knowing Him!
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
Philippians 1:6