By common definition perseverance is known as; “persistence is doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.”
Perseverance: a twelve-letter word with a simple definition that can have such a deep and powerful meaning to so many people, for so many different reasons.
I know that in my life, it never really feels as easy as just “doing something” despite difficulty. It has always been about “praying” despite difficulty – “overcoming” despite difficulty – “worshipping” despite difficulty – “reading” despite difficulty and “believing” despite difficulty. This is difficult at times, but it seems so appropriate for a time such as this!
As I reflect on major changes and seasons in my life, some welcomed and some not wanted, I think what helped me the most was having very real, raw, and vulnerable conversations with God.
No matter the situation, I am always sure of two things:
1. I know good will come from every situation. God’s Word makes this very promise. Whether I see the good outcomes in my lifetime or not, I know this to be true: ”And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
2. I will learn something from this difficult season. My struggle will not be in vain. What is God trying to teach me through this? What can I learn from this? John 14:23 says, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.” The all-powerful God never fails to deliver! Whether you are going into, coming out of, or are currently in the midst of a difficult season, the greatest strength of perseverance and its greatest power, is Jesus Christ Himself! He has given us everything we need to persevere.
The Holy Spirit who was purposefully given to us for direction, guidance, instruction, discipline, and comfort will lead and teach us all in all things. We can only persevere because Christ is within us. John 14:26 says, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
If you have ever been in a difficult season before, or are currently in one, my hope for you is to grow stronger in your faith and become wiser through this experience before you. May all of the molding, growing, and learning be preparation to overcome and walk through the coming seasons with greater strength and wisdom.
You are not alone.
Read God’s Word as much as possible. Pray, worship, journal, meditate on God’s Word. Do these things with the faith and understanding that God will honor those who are faithful to Him. Even when you don’t feel like it…do it anyway.
So ladies, let’s put on the full Armor of God, run this race God has planned for us, and PERSEVERE!