Ladies, I have to say, this past month has felt like I am stuck playing an awkward game of twister. My mental flexibility has been challenged and stretched daily, and in some form or fashion all of us have had to adapt to a new normal. Right when I feel like I actually understand the game-all of a sudden the rules changed on me!
There has been a daily learning curve, trying to figure out the best way to parent, teach, lead a team, cook, clean, be a good wife, work out, drink enough water- AND. STAY. SANE. But it never fails, the Lord in his sweet voice reminds me that there is grace for whatever situation or challenge I am facing that day. The joy for me has been found in the consistency, which allows me to remain strong in the storm.
Here are a few things that can help bring perspective to the day and us remain consistent, in this inconsistent world.
1) Set an intention for the day.
What are the top 3 things that you want to accomplish? Write it down that morning, or even the night before . When we write it down, it is more likely to happen! Grab a journal and use your favorite markers to make it fun.
Some days we may have larger things we want to tackle, and some days the goal for the day is to just keep everyone alive, that is fine!
2) Tell someone else your plan.
You should not hold other people accountable for your intentions. That places the burden on them to uphold your action, which doesn’t work. Instead, you want to hold yourself accountable to someone you choose to report your progress to. For example, I told my husband that I want to make sure I make time to read my Bible and pray in the morning, but it’s up to me to do the work and make it happen.
3) Figure out your “good enough” for the day.
Decide what your minimum level is for whatever you’re being consistent with. Spiritually, physically and mentally. Remember to Release yourself from perfectionism by simply showing up each day, finding your “good enough” and keep at it.
4) Be flexible.
Doing something consistently doesn’t mean you do the exact same thing every time, being flexible makes consistency possible.
Consistent living ultimately produces perseverance and a maturity that will help us grow spiritually and physically when handled properly.
I love the verse in Philippians 1:27 that says,
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.
I am praying for God to give each of us a clear perspective each in every day when we choose to seek him.